Greenwood Hanlon Kendrick
Greenwood Hanlon Kendrick

    Attorney Advertising

    Some of the content on this site may be considered attorney advertising under applicable state laws. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. We do not claim that any lawyer is a “specialist” or “specializes” in a particular area of law.

    What clients say about us

    Engineering company

    GHK continues to impress us with their high-quality work and quick turnaround time. Flexible and collaborative, they lead regular meetings and are quick to adapt to our needs. Their exceptional performance has broadened the scope of the engagement.

    Law firm

    GHK always provides accurate estimations of costs and time scales in the beginning of the process. They are even able to give free initial consultations to discuss strategies, timelines and fees. GHK has always maintained smooth communication and positive results.

    Recruitment Company

    We have trusted the GHK team for several years now. They are professional, respectful and highly knowledgeable in their field. Transparent communication with your immigration attorneys is imperative and we always receive this from all of the lawyers that we have worked with at GHK.

    Request A Consultation

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      UK_flag London Office working hours: from 9 am to 5 pm (UTC+01:00)
      US_flag New York Office working hours: from 9 am to 5 pm (UTC-04:00)
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